Sustainable Future

At Geomek, we believe that everyone has a responsibility to achieve a sustainable future. The challenges are many, and we need to act quickly. To succeed, we focus on continuous improvements in safety, environment, health, and fair play. We set clear goals and ensure that the entire organization is involved in the process. We understand that the best results are achieved through close collaboration with our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in the industry, and we encourage such initiatives.

Geomek is part of Indutrade, which has signed the UN's Global Compact sustainability initiative. This commitment means that Geomek actively works with the Global Compact’s ten principles for sustainable development in the four areas of human rights, labor conditions, environment, and anti-corruption. You can learn more about the Code of Conduct on Indutrade’s website.

For Geomek, it is a given to comply with or exceed the laws and regulations in our society. We are committed to transparency, informing about the company’s sustainability efforts, and being responsive to changes in the world around us. We have the same expectations of our business partners, and the Code of Conduct for Business Partners of Indutrade Group clarifies what this entails.


Safety is our top priority, and our goal is that no one is injured at work. To achieve this, we work with preventive measures. We organize training in fire safety and CPR. Additionally, we identify risks and analyze how these can be avoided. If an injury does occur, it is reported, and measures are taken to prevent future incidents. Geomek tracks statistics on TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) and LTI (Lost Time Injury).


A global transition from carbon-intensive to carbon-neutral development requires profound changes in our societies within a historically short period. At Geomek, we are part of this transition, and our ambition is to drive development at a faster pace than comparable businesses. A key to success is working closely with our partners.


Geomek's business model involves collaborating with the leading suppliers in each product area. In addition to offering efficient and cost-effective products, they must be safe and have the least possible environmental impact. We maintain ongoing dialogues with our suppliers on these topics to ensure continuous progress toward a more sustainable future.

The Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees, preferably 1.5 degrees, forms the basis of our ambitions. The technical conditions for this transition are favorable. Innovations are reducing costs and enabling new solutions. We firmly believe that productivity and sustainability go hand in hand.

Travel and Shipments

Geomek plans procurement, deliveries, and business trips in ways that minimize our environmental impact from transportation. We prioritize freight companies that actively work to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. We encourage the use of environmentally friendly vehicles within our organization and provide charging stations at the workplace.


We are a workplace where we care for each other and promote health and well-being. For example, Geomek offers health check-ups and wellness benefits to our employees.

Fair Play

Geomek opposes all forms of corruption, including bribery and extortion, in accordance with Indutrade’s Code of Conduct. We always strive to build long-term relationships with our business partners.

©2024 Geomek AB