privacy policy

Our values and procedures are outlined in our Privacy Policy. Here, we describe what personal data we collect, how we use this information, and provide details about your rights and how you can exercise them.

Why Are Personal Data Processed?

At Geomek, personal data are processed within our internal personnel and business routines, but primarily to fulfill our commitments to our customers. Regardless of the purpose, the guiding principle is never to process more personal data than what is absolutely necessary for the intended purpose. We also strive to use the least sensitive data possible.

Personal data may be required to fulfill legal obligations but also to provide you with quality service in terms of marketing, follow-ups, and information. We also collect personal data about suppliers, partners, and individuals who apply for jobs or work within our company.

Personal Data May Be Used for the Following Purposes:

  • When you purchase our services.
  • When you have shown interest in our offerings and there is reason to believe you wish to maintain contact.
  • When we send newsletters about events where there is a legitimate and mutual interest.
  • For follow-up on incoming inquiries (customer support, emails, or phone calls).
  • When we fulfill obligations related to, for example, order confirmations, invoices, reminders, and similar matters.
  • When we process a job application.

Our Legal Basis?

We only process personal data when we believe we have a legal basis to do so.

Collection of Personal Data Based on Contract

We use personal data to fulfill our obligations to customers, partners, and suppliers. We also manage our employees' data to fulfill our role as an employer.

Collection of Personal Data Based on Consent

The registration of personal data regarding prospective customers where the contacted party has not been previously engaged occurs only after consent has been obtained, with the approval of the individual documented.

Collection of Personal Data Based on Mutual Interest

Personal data may be used if there is information deemed to be of legitimate and mutual interest to the recipient, where contact has been established but business relationships have not yet commenced.

Before collecting the data, we conduct an assessment to ensure that the collection is of mutual interest to both parties.

What Type of Personal Data Is Collected?

The personal data processed may include names, phone numbers, titles, and email addresses, as well as the company’s name and contact details.

In our customer database, we may also collect feedback, comments, and questions related to our services from interactions such as meetings, phone calls, documents, and emails.

From our websites, we may collect IP addresses and information about activities undertaken on the site.

If you apply for a job at Geomek, we collect the information you provide during the application process.

How Long Are Personal Data Stored?

Decisions regarding the duration for which personal data are stored are made on a case-by-case basis. However, the general principle is that data should never be retained longer than absolutely necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected.

In practice, this means that we retain your personal data for a reasonable period after your last contact with us. When personal data are no longer needed, they will be securely deleted.

Your Rights to Personal Data

You have the right to request information at any time about what personal data we have stored, the purposes for which the data are processed, and the sources from which the data were obtained. Requests for such information must be made in writing.

If you believe that the personal data we hold are incorrect or have been processed in violation of the law, you can request that the data be corrected or deleted.

Even if you have given consent for the processing of personal data, you can withdraw such consent at any time.

Use of Cookies

To evaluate traffic and functionality on our website, we use cookies. The information we obtain includes standard data from your browser, such as browser type and language, your IP address, and your activities on the website.

This information is used to make the website more efficient and to improve our understanding of how visitors use the site. Cookies help us tailor our website to the needs of our visitors. Cookies do not personally identify you.

Who Has Access to Personal Data?

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. We will also not sell or lend personal data to other parties.

Personal data may be disclosed when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, in connection with law enforcement, or by court order, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of others, including our own property or rights.

We also disclose data to authorities if we are legally required to do so or by government order.

How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

Geomek takes the necessary technical and organizational security measures required by law to ensure that personal data are not manipulated, lost, destroyed, or accessed by unauthorized persons.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Geomek reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. The current version is always available on our website.

©2024 Geomek AB